This will be where I link to my favorite recipes of all time, both my own and others!

Unless otherwise specified, all of these recipes are vegetarian, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.  Enjoy!

Sweet and Sour Orange Stir-Fry Sauce

Vanilla-Cinnamon-Honey Dessert Hummus

Whole Grain Quick-Bread

Light and Fluffy Pancakes

Easy and Yummy Vegan Chili

Banana Quinoa Porridge

Dill-Sage Tomato-Kale-Chickpea Sauté

Sweet Potato Pie Pancakes

Cold Italian Pasta Salad

Milky Chai

Hummus-Flavored Kale and Cauliflower Chickpea Sauté

Rice Cake Breakfast Cereal (how-to)

Tangy, Fresh Marinara Sauce

Avocado-Spinach Guacamole

Chocolate Pudding

Sweet Potato Pear Frittata

Baked Potato Soup (butter optional)

Sorry that it’s a bit of a disorganized mess; I’ll fix it up right-proper soon!

Thanks for taking a peek!